Friday, March 2, 2018

Yoga as a healing practice

Yoga instructors of different types all claim that each of their postures, done in the right temperature, in the right position, will treat a certain ailment or help with a certain organ's blood circulation. I have not experienced this yet as I am still in the process of fixing my postures so my muscles aren't sore after.

While most people know that yoga can be good for the body, many don't know that without proper focus or concentration you can get really hurt. This post is an anti-health benefit post.

My last yoga experience taught me that practice must be gone into with a clear head, or it could be very detrimental.

Wednesday morning I walked into practice like I do every week. I was so excited because this was supposed to be the beginning of my workout for the day. I look forward to yoga. Until my phone rang. I received information regarding personal family information. I decided "It's fine; I'll deal with this after practice."

That wasn't the case. I am used to being adjusted during practices. I know I am a beginner and I know there is a lot I have to learn. Yet, somehow, every time I was adjusted I pushed so hard into my shoulders or other wrong angles of my body to the point where I was in physical pain. Downward dog didn't hurt because I was stretching, it hurt because I wasn't focused. Every time I sat in a position for a little bit, my mind was racing.. it was actually racing the entire practice. I was so frustrated with myself and in so much pain from not concentrating on my body that I walked out earlier than I had intended.

It is two days later and my shoulders are still in pain. Yoga should never do that to you. But it wasn't the practice that did that to me, it was me that did that to me. I allowed one moment in my life to effect all other moments after, and even though the problem is resolved now, I still feel the effects in my shoulders to this day.

Your mind and body are connected. If your mind is not in a healthy state, your body will follow and vice versa.

I was so upset leaving the practice because I felt as though I failed myself. My physical health is extremely important to me, and I love yoga because it is something that everyone can do, but can only do with consistent dedication and practice. Again... mind follows body, body follows mind.

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