Friday, April 6, 2018

Meditation in Yoga

Meditation alone was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. I was tired, and keeping my eyes closed and my back up was hard in such a silent environment.


I feel as though my Savasana before and after my practice is my more pure form of meditation that I will be willing to have. When my yoga practice first starts I lay down for around 5 minutes to begin focusing on my breath. Everything around me for that time does not matter. I am able to feel the mat pressing against my heels, to my calves, to my shoulders, to my head. I begin to discipline my breath- breathe in, pause, breathe out half, pause, breathe out the rest- repeat. My breath is the center of my focus for the rest of the practice.

I guess you could say my practice is meditation too. During my practice, I am clearing my head. I am breathing and focusing on getting my breath back the second I lose it. I working towards an active exhale rather than passive. While forcing myself to breathe a specific way, I am losing the stresses of the outside world- which we all know is something that we all need every once in a while.

Even though I have to eventually leave the studio and return to my stresses, my mind is clear and allows me to thunk about the goals have set out and what I need to do to accomplish them without the clouds of confusion or stress that usually follows.

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