Sunday, May 6, 2018

Final Blog Post

My yoga experience was one of the most eye opening adventures I have been on. I think that going to another studio would have definitely effected the outcome. I am glad that I went to a place where a more tradition and beneficial practice was being held. Many people practice yoga for the strengthening, and many take it for the liberation and meditation. I also originally went for the strength and flexibility practice, but I learned a lot about myself through this practice.

Am I enlightened? Probably not.

But I learned to have patience with myself, and the more time I spend practicing, the easier my body becomes adjusted to the different postures. I learned that I have good days and bad days, and both of those days should still be spent practicing.

I also learned to forgive myself. I forgave myself for the cheat days when I was down and ate too much cake, or the days I slept in and did not complete a work out or go to yoga. All of that led me to the exact moment that I am in today, and I don't think I could change that for the world.

I am moving to Philly soon, and I want to continue my practice, but I might find it hard to trust a new teacher, I'm sure we will see how well it goes.

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