Thursday, February 15, 2018

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga focuses on the alignment of the body during postures and the control of the breath.
Where Bikram yoga felt more as pushing your body to breathe through awkward positions and twist to "circulate blood through special organs", Iyengar really focused on where my back and my upper body were throughout each posture.

I truly tried to focus on my breathing, but breathing, posture, sides, hips, breathing again.. My mind goes everywhere when its supposed to be focused.

Iyengar seemed "normal" to me. It was a lot of stretching, sitting, lunging...
I didn't feel much pain after this class, perhaps its because I'm getting better? Or maybe it was because my torso is the size of a 5'0 woman and my legs are the size of a 5'7 woman and I can't reach my toes.

I found my breath here much easier than I did with Bikram yoga, but with Bikram yoga I received a sense of accomplishment... and then a sore lower back the next day.

It was relieving though at the same time. These past two weeks have held a lot of challenges for me. Between school and my personal life, this was two hours of peace and focus to clear my head and focus on my body for a moment in time, even if it was brief.


  1. your back should not be sore. I think you are right about not having your center of gravity in the correct place. Let me look at it next time your are in. :)
